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                About us

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                Zhejiang Yingjie Furniture Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive production enterprise integrating office furniture, hotel furniture and civil furniture. It has been working with international famous FREZZA, France PONEO and Korea BFF company for many years. In the product style and Technical quality and constantly blaze new trails, the company has passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification, ISO14001 environmental management system certification, OHSAS18001 occupational health and safety management system certification, quality and environmental protection product certification (CQC), but also adopted a national inspection-free products that the company management System is more perfect for the Zhejiang Province environmental protection furniture brand-name products laid the foundation.

                1, in the wood furniture (including plate furniture, sofa, chair) production line, with from Germany, Italy, Japan and other countries to introduce the main production equipment.

                2, in the steel furniture production line, with a cut from the plate, stamping, hydraulic, bending, spot welding, spray, such as the entire assembly line.

                As a result of the use of steel and wood furniture for the production of equipment for product development and innovation, performance support provides a first-class hardware platform and enterprise development potential, the company to the domestic market as the basis, as government agencies, foreign investors, large and medium-sized enterprises outstanding suppliers. To foreign markets as the guide, the product has exported to the United States, Japan, Australia, Italy, Germany, South Korea and other countries and regions.

                "ICT" brand will be a unique design, excellent quality, quality service into more users.